Test XML API here

Paste your XML code in the
below box :

XML API Explained!

Please Note :

To send SMS using XML you must create an interface (form) having a form element with name as ‘SendSMS_XML’.
e.g. <input name="SendSMS_XML" type="text" >

Post/Submit your case-sensitive XML through that form as HTTP post to the following URL : http://cloud.smshat.com/API_SendSMS_XML.aspx

Example of your case-sensitive XML

<text>SMS Text here...</text>

Parameters Explained

  • user : Username of your account
  • passwd : password of you account
  • to : Destination mobile number(s) with country code
  • sid : Your sender Id / sender name
  • text : SMS text to be sent

Expected Responses

  • Invalid XML
  • Please Provide UserName
  • Please Provide Password
  • Message Not Provided
  • Mobile Number is missing
  • Invalid UserName!!!
  • Invalid Password!!!
  • SMS message(s) sent
  • Insufficient Balance!!!Please buy SMS Credits
  • Unexpected Error in Sending SMS

Note :

If message contains special charcaters like space,@,- etc then please encode the message before passing it into the API call.