Bulk SMS Gateway API: Integrate Text Messaging Into Your Applications!

Connect to SMSHat’s Bulk SMS Gateway using our HTTP SMS API. SMSHat’s Bulk SMS Gateway API allows application developers to send text messages to more than 650 global mobile networks. You can integrate bulk SMS messaging services into your applications, websites, software and back-office custom apps. With our HTTP SMS API, it’s quick and easy. If you don’t want to spend time and money writing code, use our ready-made SMS scripts for FREE. The scripts are available in PHP, ASP, VB.Net and C#.Net.

Scroll Down To Check API Links!!!

W2WTS Bulk SMS Automated API

The Benefits of SMSHat’s Bulk SMS Gateway API:

Our API (Application Programming Interface) makes it easy and cost-effective to integrate bulk SMS messaging into your applications. It offers:
  • SMS to multiple mobile numbers in one Go : Our SMS API allows you sending SMS to multiple mobile numbers in one single call/request. You can do this by passing comma separated numbers to the mobilenumber parameter.
  • Communication via SMS in any language : Our SMS server supports standard GSM character set and Unicode characters, so you can send and receive text messages in English, German, Arabic, Russian, Japanese, Chinese and more.
  • Support for FlashSMS : You can send flash messages using the API. The messages will get delivered to end user mobile as a flash and will not be stored unlike normal messages
  • Send WAP Push URL messages : Send your direct application download link or your mobile site link to your users using our WAP URL Push supported API. The clickable link will be delivered to recipient mobile.
  • Custom/Dynamic sender IDs : When sending texts via our HTTP SMS API, you can display any of your registered mobile numbers/senderids as the sending number, use your own mobile phone number, or use a sender ID, such as your company name. Note: Which ever senderid you submit via API must be registered and active in your account.
  • Delivery rate tracking of your SMS : You can request delivery notifications of all sent messages. All mobile phones return delivery notifications and you can get them via our SMS Gateway web interface.
  • Fully documented API Manual : Below is complete API details also you will find sample codes for different programming languages on this page.

No Installations required

Just use our ready-made scripts and send thousands of SMS from your application in seconds.

Ready-Made Scripts

Please choose your coding language and start building your very own SMS application using our sample codes.


Here is the XML API details available View

SMSHat’s SMS API Formats:

API for Arabic + English (AnyLanguage/Unicode/Language/Non-English) Message text

API For sending SMS in Multi-Language text (English or Non-English or Arabic or Mix, 1 to 10 numbers only in each API request) :-

http://cloud.smshat.com/API_SendLanguageSMS_2020.aspx? User=demo&passwd=demo&mobilenumber=xxxxxxxxxxxx&message=Welcomeأهلابكالإمارات&sid=Test&mtype=OL&key=GeneratedAPIKeyHere


API For sending SMS in Multi-Language text in Unicode form (Non-English/Arabic/Unicode, 1 to 10 numbers only in each API request) :-

http://cloud.smshat.com/API_SendSMS.aspx? User=demo&passwd=demo&mobilenumber=xxxxxxxxxxxx&message=062A06450020062A0633062C064A06440643002006280646 &sid=Test&mtype=OL&key=GeneratedAPIKeyHere
(Click here to test)
Note : message=<Unicode converted value of actual message>
Message needs to be converted to unicode (Big-Endian UCS-2) before passing to the API. Ex : Unicode for arabic character beh ب is 0628, please refer the following unicode chart.

API For sending thousands of SMS (For Arabic/Unicode message, 1 to 50,000 mobile numbers in each request):-

http://cloud.smshat.com/API_SendBulkSMS.aspx?User=demo&passwd=demo&mobilenumber=xxxxxxxxxxxx,xxxxxxxxxxxx,xxxxxxxxxxxx&message=062A06450020062A0633062C064A06440643002006280646 &sid=Test&mtype=OL&key=GeneratedAPIKeyHere
Note :
message=<Unicode converted value of actual message>
Message needs to be converted to unicode (Big-Endian UCS-2) before passing to the API. Ex : Unicode for arabic character beh ب is 0628, please refer the following unicode chart.

Number of characters & SMS Credit & Billing

  • 1SMS Credit = 160 English text Characters, where as 1SMS Credit = 70 Arabic/(Non-English) text characters.
  • We support unlimited characters of long message both in English and Other Language like Arabic, Hindi, Urdu, Telugu, Malayalam Language ... etc
  • If the message is long each English message credit/part will be of 153 and Arabic will be of 67 characters, this is just for information, as a developer you can submit the whole message in one single API request.
  • 2SMS Credit = (161 to 306) English Characters, where as 2SMS Credit = (71 to 134) Arabic text characters.
  • 3SMS Credit = (307 to 459) English, where as 3SMS Credit = (135 to 201) Arabic. and so on..
For Amount based billing you will be charged (price-per-sms * 3) in case your message length is between 307 to 459 characters including space and any other valid special characters. Similarly for Arabic/Chinese/Unicode/Non-English it will cost you (price-per-sms * 2) for message length upto 134 characters.. and so on.

SMS API Parameter Details:

UserStringDemoAccountUser=DemoAccountYour SMS Account Username, its case sensitive
passwdStringDemo@AccP@swdpasswd=Demo@AccP@swdAccount password or API password, you can navigate to My Account and set/update API Password, case sensitive
mobilenumberString971000000000mobilenumber=971000000000Destination mobile number on which you want to send SMS message, multiple numbers can be separated with comma
messageStringOrder confirmed!message=Order confirmed!English Message
Message content here, it need URL Encode to make sure special characters like space etc reach our server well

Non-English(Arabic) Text
message=<Unicode converted value of actual message>
Message needs to be converted to unicode (Big-Endian UCS-2) before passing to the API.
sidStringYourBrandsid=YourBrandSenderid can be max 11 mix of alpha numberic characters, for most of the countries sid need registration with NOC and documents, more details contact support
mtypeStringN / OLmtype=N for English
mtype=OL for unicode
Message Type parameter should be mtype=N for English message, for non-English content pass mtype=OL
keyStringAKYYDNxe39276151827key=AKYYDNxe39276151827API Key you can generate navigating to "My Account" section and click on "Get API Key"

Unicode Converter : Convert any language to unicode value

Arabic To Unicode Conversion Scripts :

Javascript Code

Below is the javascript code to convert non english characters to unicode.

VB Script

Below is the VB code to identify non-English character.
Below is the VB code to convert text/string to unicode value.

C# Script

C# code to findout Unicode
C# code to convert Arabic to Unicode

PHP Script

PHP Code to convert submitted string/Arabic to Unicode.
PHP Include file, add following code in file smsutf8.inc and save it

API for Only English Message text

API For sending SMS to Signle or multiple recipients (1 to 10 numbers only in each request) :-

http://cloud.smshat.com/API_SendSMS.aspx?User=xxxxxx&passwd=xxxxxxxxx&mobilenumber=xxxxxxx,xxxxxxx,xxxxx.. &message=xxxxxxxxx&sid=xxxxxxxx&mtype=N&DR=N&key=GeneratedAPIKeyHere
(Click here to test)


http://cloud.smshat.com/API_SendSMS22.aspx?User=xxxxxx&passwd=xxxxxxxxx&mobilenumber=xxxxxxx,xxxxxxx,xxxxx.. &message=xxxxxxxxx&sid=xxxxxxxx&mtype=N&DR=N&key=GeneratedAPIKeyHere (API with mobile number validation)
(Click here to test)

API For sending thousands of SMS (For english message, 1 to 50,000 mobile numbers in each request):-

http://cloud.smshat.com/API_SendBulkSMS.aspx?User=demo&passwd=demo&mobilenumber=xxxxxxxxx,xxxxxxxxx,xxxxxxxxx&message=Test SMS%20msg%20please%20ignore&sid=Test&mtype=N&DR=Y&key=GeneratedAPIKeyHere